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导读 1. 2006年十一国庆在太原贵都当玉兰油促销员,一周时间与同事相处融洽,经过大家共同的努力,最后给公司了带来巨大的效益,赢得店长的好评...

1. 2006年十一国庆在太原贵都当玉兰油促销员,一周时间与同事相处融洽,经过大家共同的努力,最后给公司了带来巨大的效益,赢得店长的好评。

1 2006 11 National Day when you were in taiyuan olay promoters, a week with co-workers, through the joint efforts of everyone, and finally to bring great benefits to the company, the manager. 2. 2007年五一在铜锣湾当雪竹精品内衣促销员,一周期间向老板与同事认真学习销售技巧,获得了很多销售经验, 也给专柜带来很大效益,还获得老板的150元奖励。

2 May 2007 in causeway bay XueZhu when high-quality professional underwear, during the week with colleague earnest study to the boss, sales skills gained many sales experience, also bring great benefits, but also counters won the boss 150 yuan reward. 3. 2008年在省幼教中心实习,担任幼儿园小一班的代课教师,从早晨幼儿入园到三顿进餐、上课、午休、饮水、整理仪容、课外活动、吃药、和家长的交流等每个环节来照顾幼儿,管理和沟通上取得很大进步,最后获得“优秀实习生”。

3 in the provinces of preschool education center in 2008, as the small class kindergarten class teacher, the children from morning to three meals, class, lunch break, drinking water, arrange appearance, extra-curricular activities, medicine, and parents to take care of every tache such as communication, management and communication on children, finally gained great progress, "won the" excellent intern. 4. 2009—2010在运城河津市北午芹中学进行扶贫顶岗支教,在校期间当人初一、初二地理老师,并兼办公室干事,查阅、整理和打印学校各种资料,设计学校各种活动的流程,学期末获得“成绩二等奖”。

4. 2009-2010 and in yuncheng HeJin shibei afternoon school theory-practice-retheory-repractice-summary parsley, poverty during the school when people first, second, and geography teacher office director, and consulting, sorting and print all kinds of material, design school school activities of flow, "at the end of the semester grades prize".。
