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modernism 翻译(modernism)

导读 The 20th century / modernism:The Feature of the Age:Marked by 2 WWs, alliteration and loneliness. Stream of consc...

The 20th century / modernism:The Feature of the Age:Marked by 2 WWs, alliteration and loneliness. Stream of consciousness, the theatre of The Absurd, etc.T.S Eliot: Murder in the Cathedral (T. Becky), the fragmentize nature of modern life, modern life was fragmented and dislocated. T.S Eliot is one of the best Wast e Land painters. He was one of the first to sense the futility and fragmentation of modern life and see modern society at its most disgusting. The Love Song of Alfred PrufrockSkills: soliloquy (interior monologue), repetition, problems in his hearts, link psychologically, stream of consciousness, allusions to Dante’s Inferno. Irony : The title of the poem is ironic in that the “Love Song” is in fact about the absence of love.Theme: Essay questions on Emails.Contemporaries:James Joyce: UlyssesSamuel Johnson: Waiting for GodotWilliam Golding: Lord of the Flies Essay questions:1 Theme of Love Song?“The Love Song of J. Alfred Frufrock” depicts a timid middle-aged man going (or thinking of going) to propose marriage to a lady but hesitating all the way there. Prufrock is the image of an ineffectual, sorrowful, tragic twentieth-century Western man, possibly the modern intellectual who is divided between passion and timidity, between desire and impotence. His tragic flaw is timidity; his curse is his idealism. Knowing everything, but able to do nothing, he lives in an area of life and death; and caught between the two worlds, he belongs to neither. He craves love but has no courage to declare himself. He despairs of life. He discovers its emptiness and yet has found nothing to replace it. Thus the poem develops a theme of frustration and emotional conflict.Amplifications:Tyger Tyger burning bright In the forests of the nightThese lines contain trochaic feet–stressed + unstressed, as in TY ger and BURN ing–but the final foot of each line is incomplete, containing only a stressed syllable. The absence of the unstressed syllable is called catalexis, and bright and night are called catalectic feet. The meter of these lines is trochaic tetrameter–tetrameter because they each contain three complete feet and one incomplete foot, for a total of four feet. 我自己总结出来的。

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